Production Setup

The general setup is described in the Contributor Setup Guide. This guide focuses on the dockerized setup process for PROMPT. The PROMPT setup process is straightforward and requires only a few environment variables to adjust.

There are three crucial steps for setting up PROMPT:

  1. Keycloak Setup (required)

  2. SMTP Server Setup (optional – recommended)

  3. Container Setup

1. Keycloak Setup

PROMPT uses Keycloak for authentication and user rights management. In particular, PROMPT requires the following Keycloak components:


  • prompt-client
    Used for login on the client side.

  • prompt-server
    Used by the backend server to authenticate and manage user groups and roles.

Roles and Groups

  • General Roles (client-specific roles for prompt-server):

    • PROMPT_ADMIN: Grants access to all courses and functionality.

    • PROMPT_LECTURER: Allows the creation of new courses.

  • Course-Specific Roles
    When a course is created, PROMPT automatically creates the following client roles for prompt-server:

    • <SemesterTag>-<CourseName> (Group and Role)

      • <SemesterTag>-<CourseName>-Lecturer
        Group: Lecturer (a subgroup of the course group). This role grants admin rights on the course. The course creator is automatically added to this role.

      • <SemesterTag>-<CourseName>-Editor
        Group: Editor (a subgroup of the course group). This role has limited user rights. For more details, refer to the Contributor Guide.

There are two options for setting up Keycloak:

Option 1: Configure an Existing Keycloak Instance for PROMPT

Follow these steps:

1. Create the Clients prompt-client

  1. Set URLs
    Add your client domain to the following fields. All URLs must be prefixed with https.

    • Root URL

    • Home URL

    • Valid Redirect URLs (must be postfixed with /*)

    • Valid Logout URLs (must be postfixed with /*)

    • Web-Origin URLs IMPORTANT: Only postfix Valid Redirect and Logout URLs.

  2. Add Mappers for User Attributes
    PROMPT authenticates students using their matriculation_number and university_login. To include these in the token:

    • Navigate to Client Scopes for prompt-client.

    • Select the prompt-client-dedicated scope.

    • Click on Add Mapper by configuration.

    • For each mapper, set:

      • Mapper Type: User Attribute

      • User Attribute: university_login or matriculation_number
        (adjust if your system uses a different name, e.g., TUM ID)

      • Token Claim Name: university_login or matriculation_number (do not change)

      • Add to Access Token: Enabled

2. Create the Clients prompt-server

  1. Set URLs
    Add your server domain to:

    • Root URL

    • Home URL

    • Valid Redirect URI

    • Valid Post Logout Redirect URI

    Each URL must start with https and ALL must be postfixed with /* (note that the postfixes might differ from those in prompt-client).

  2. Enable Service Account Access
    This is required to allow PROMPT to create course-specific roles:

    • Enable Service Account Roles.

    • Under the Service Account Roles tab, add the role realm-admin.

    • In the Credentials tab, select Client Authenticator: Client ID and Secret.

      • Save and generate a new secret.

      • Store this secret in your environment file under KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET.

  3. Add the required client roles

    • Add the roles PROMPT_ADMIN and PROMPT_LECTURER

    • Optionally create groups for these roles for easier user role management.

Option 2: Use a Standalone Keycloak Instance for PROMPT

For this option, refer to the Contributor Setup Guide on how to configure a standalone Keycloak instance and the keycloakConfig.json.

Keep in mind:

  • The docker-compose.extern.yml includes a sample setup with a Docker container for Keycloak and a database instance to persist Keycloak data.

  • Domain Setup:
    Configure a separate domain for your Keycloak instance (this can be a subdomain but not a subpath).

    • Valid Examples:

      • prompt.<yourDomain>.de and keycloak.prompt.<yourDomain>.de

    • Invalid Example:

      • prompt.<yourDomain>.de and prompt.<yourDomain>.de/keycloak

  • Follow the Contributor Guide closely and copy the KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET into your environment file as described.

  • To support student login, your Keycloak instance must allow authentication with matriculation_number and university_login attributes. Without these, student-specific management console features will not be available (although this does not affect the application module).

3. Container Setup

3.1 Adjust Environment Variables

An .env.template file is provided in the repository. This file includes all the runtime variables required for deployment. Below is an explanation of the variables:

Deployment Location Specific Variables

    Email used for HTTPS certificate generation and notifications.

    Set to production. Changing this will result in additional debug output.

    The deployment URL of your application.

    The short name displayed in the website header.

    Used in the welcome text (can be the same as CHAIR_NAME_SHORT).

Dockerized Environment Variables

    Defaults to Change only if you are not deploying in a dockerized environment.

    Defaults to db. Do not change if you are using the dockerized environment.

    Defaults to 5432. Do not change if you are using the dockerized environment.

    Defaults to prompt.

    Defaults to prompt-postgres.

    Defaults to prompt.

Keycloak Variables

Adjust these if deploying Keycloak on a different host:

    Defaults to keycloak.

    Defaults to keycloak.


    Defaults to prompt.

    Defaults to prompt-server.

    Generate this as described in the Keycloak setup section.

    Example: a584ca61-fa83-4e95-98b6-c5f3157ae4b4 (change if not using pre-configuration).

    Defaults to prompt-client.

    Defaults to admin.

    Defaults to admin.

Deployment Version Variables






Set these according to your deployment version (default is main).

SMTP Server Variables


    Example: AET Mailing Service

    Example: postfix

    Defaults to 25

3.2 Select the Appropriate Docker Compose File

    Does not include a Keycloak container. Use this file if you have an already running Keycloak instance.

    Includes a Keycloak container. Refer to the Keycloak configuration above for details.

3.3 Start the Docker Containers

To start the docker containers, run the following command (adjust <path to your env file> as needed):

docker compose -f --env-file=<path to your env file> up --pull=always -d