Deployment and Configuration

CI/CD Pipeline

All changes on the develop branch are automatically deployed to TestFlight.

  • Build and Release Pipeline:

    This pipeline is automatically triggered by changes in the Themis repository. It checks for SwiftLint errors. It uses fastlane to build the app. If the change is on the develop branch then it releases to TestFlight.

TestFlight Release

TestFlight supports multiple user groups. In our case it is divided into Developers, Customer + Management and Tutors. It offers two kinds of testers, namely internal (Developers and Customer + Management) and external testers (Tutors). The main difference is that internal testers are registered via their Apple-ID and external testers download the app anonymously via a public TestFlight link.

  • Developers:

    They are able to downloads all version of the app and can always install the newest version.

  • Customer + Management and Tutors:

    This group gets the newest release manually via adding a certain build to their group. Furthermore, it is possible to release notes.