Create a Module

To create a new Athena Module, follow the following steps:

  1. Copy the module_example folder to a new folder with the name of your module. It should still be at the project root and its name should start with module_.

  2. Update your module name (module_something) in the following places:
    • module_something/pyproject.toml

    • rename module_something/module_example to module_something/module_something

  3. Delete the poetry.lock file, then run poetry install in your module folder to recreate it.

  4. Update the module.conf file to include the following values:
    • MODULE_NAME: The name of your module, e.g. module_something

    • MODULE_TYPE: The type of exercise your module supports, e.g. text or programming

    • PORT: The port your module will run on, e.g. 5002. Look for the ports that existing modules are using and use a port that is not already in use. It’s best if you just count one up from the highest number (e.g. if the highest used port is 5002, use 5003).

  5. Add your module to the assessment_module_manager/modules.ini and assessment_module_manager/modules.docker.ini files. Update the URLs accordingly. The Docker URL for your module should be http://module_something:port.

  6. Add a service to in docker-compose.yml and Look at the existing modules for examples. Make sure to use the same port as in the .env file.

  7. Add a new Run Configuration to PyCharm:
    • Run -> Edit Configurations…

    • Click the + button and select Python

    • Name it Module Something

    • Choose the Module Name instead of the Script Path (see screenshot below)

    • Set all other parameters similar to the ones from the example module

    • Click OK

    PyCharm Run Configuration
  8. Add a new workspace folder entry for VS Code:
    • Edit athena-workspace.code-workspace

    • Add a new entry to the folders array, similar to the one from the example module

  9. Add a launch configuration for VS Code:
    • Open the .vscode/launch.json file

    • Add a new configuration, similar to the one from the example module