Team exercises
Team exercises are supported for:
When creating an exercise, the instructor first needs to select the mode Team. This is only available during the creation of the exercise, as it can not be changed later on. The team size can also be configured, but it is just a recommendation that can be overridden when creating the actual teams.
Instructors can click on the button in the course exercises page to navigate to the team management page.
Clicking opens the dialog shown below. To manually create a team instructors must define the name, short name and students for the team. Optionally, a tutor can also be assigned to the team.
Instructors can also and already existing teams.
To facilitate the process of creating teams, instructors can use the button to export the teams in an exercise to a file, which can then be imported in other exercises.
To import teams into an exercise, instructors can use the button. This allows them to choose between importing from a file, or importing directly from another exercise in the course. In both cases, instructors must choose if they want to delete all the existing teams, or only create new teams, as shown below:
When working on a team exercise, students can work collaboratively using the live editors. This is available for Modeling exercises and Textual exercises.
The live editors show the status of all the team members, and allow students to simultaneously edit the same exercise:
Team overview
The same team can be shared for multiple exercises. Viewing the page for a single team allows students, tutors and instructors to get an overview of all the exercises for that team along with their current status. To access the team overview page, users can click on or on the team’s short name.