File Upload Exercise


Conducting a file upload exercise consists of 3 steps:

  1. Setup of the exercise in Artemis

  2. Submission by a student

  3. Assessment by the staff


The following sections describe the supported features and the process of creating a new file upload exercise.

  • Open course-management.

  • Navigate into Exercises of your preferred course.

  • Click on Create a new file upload exercise.

  • Fill out all mandatory values and click on save.

  • The exercise-specific File Pattern defines which file types students can upload as solution. The input field accepts all file endings without leading dot separated by commas.

  • Result: File Upload Exercise.

  • Click the edit button of the file upload exercise to update the configuration and assessment instructions.

  • You can get an overview of the exercise by clicking on the title.

Student Submission

  • When the exercise is released, the students can upload the requested file.

  • They can choose a file with browse and then submit the file with submit.

  • After a file is uploaded it can then be downloaded again by clicking on Download file.



  • When the due date is over, you can assess the submissions. From the assessment dashboard, go to exercise the assessment dashboard of the file upload exercise.

  • There you can assess the submitted student submissions, by first downloading the file, and then adding feedback with points.
